Portable Sanitation Association International


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WEEKLY EDITION OCTOBER 10, 2018 Note: The PSAI is committed to bringing Members industry news. It creates original content and it aggregates news that appears in other sources. Unless otherwise stated in organizational documents or in Association Insight newsletters, the PSAI does not have or take a position on the content of news items from other sources. PAGE 16 All Eyes Are On India. As it seeks to create a sanitation model to apply worldwide. More news on Swachh Bharat or Clean India. In a country where 1.3 billion people contribute 60% of the worlds open defecation, it is imperative that public sanitation solutions be developed and implemented sooner rather than later. This model, according to Indian officials, promises to benefit, both developing countries, as well as low income and homeless populations. READ THE STORY When worlds Collide. Who wins when the need for portable toilets conflict with local standards of taste in the public domain. Clifton, NJ is the site of ongoing debate between the need for portable sanitation solutions among their homeless community and the issue of taste and placement among those of the historic Botany District. This is a conflict that is playing out across the nation as cities attempt to balance the needs of those with homes against those without traditional homes. READ THE STORY

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