Waterless Toilet Turns Waste Into Clean Water and Power
With every flush, this toilet creates water and electric power for those who need it most.
Here's how it works: Waste collect s at the bottom of the toilet bowl in a drum,
and when the user closes the toilet's lid, the action causes the drum to rotate
and empty the waste into a holding container. Solids settle to the bottom and
liquid waste floats to the top, enabling them to be separated into different
chambers for processing.
Water from the waste is drawn through special hollow - fiber membranes as a
vapor and is purified. Then, the purified vapor is re - condensed into water and
stored in a tank at the front of the toilet for late r collection by the user. The
water is clean enough for tasks like garden irrigation and laundry.
Separately, the de - watered solid waste at the bottom of the drum is carried up a channel by a screw - shaped pump. The
waste is dried out and sent into a gasif ier, where it's burned and turned into energy to power the water - treatment
system -- with enough left over to charge small devices like mobile phones.
Portable Sanitation
Innovation in a Bag
You don't have 1960's era portable toilets in your
fleet, why have 1960's era toilet paper stacked in
your warehouse? This innovative, high capacity
tissue saves you time and money by helping
minimize roll changes and storage costs.
Call your PSAI Georgia-Pacific National Accounts
Manager for more information: Bernard Newcomer
at 760-960-9562
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